Friday, May 29, 2015

Pop Princess Voodoo LOL...

I'm still working hard to share all those wonderful Horror Hautey things with you... The event wont be around for too much longer and if you're into Voodoo and haven't been yet, WHY THE HECK NOT?! There is a massive bounty of Voodoo based goodies, so much so that I have been kept busy creating looks and organising my collection so that I can show these off to you in the best possible - Rudhish - way!
The next look, although I REALLY tried to make it look horrific seems to look far more teeny bopper princess than voodoo?! *facepalms* I failed LOL Noooooooooooooooooooooo....
Before I start rabbiting on about the outfit that I pulled together I want to share with you this amazing location... It's called Paradise of Fantasy and it is simply gorgeous... There is a medieval themed village as well as lots of natural and fantasy elements, so it would be a great backdrop for a wide range of photos... CHECK IT OUT lol...
Now, on to the Britney Spears of Horror Haute for this month LOL... I cannot believe how much I suddenly thought I looked like a pop princess whilst I was looking at this photo wondering what to write... I certainly didn't think that when I was taking the photo!!
I wore the awesome ImmateriA release for Horror Haute, which looks awesome from the front but even better from the back - hence the back view - and I love that snakey decor to it with those bright colours! I added some non-Horror Haute related items, including these awesome studded tights from Izzie's - which were a bargain price of 70L for 5 different tones at The Dressing Room Fusion - and these awesome heels from HOLLYHOOD - again a bargain price of 55L at a past round of Fi*Friday...
Then there was just ONE MORE THING I needed to make my Snakey Voodoo look complete... A Snake! Luckily *dimma* was there to snatch that challenge up and provide with some awesome poses, complete with pose prop snakes! Now I do have a confession... I hope I don't get into trouble for having done so but as I wanted to use the pose from behind I edited my snake a little... If you look at the ad board for this pose, you will notice that the snake is facing in the other direction... I just realised it looked better from the back... I hope I'm not going to be in any trouble though *hides*...
Anyway, that's it for now on the Horror Haute Pop Princess front... You NEVER know when she will be back to cast a magic spell again... Stay away from snakes people!!

What is she wearing;
Hair: Magika - Surprise
Skin: Glam Affair - Lauren in America 07 (Past Collabor88 Item)
Dress: ImmateriA - Serpentine (Available Now for Horror Haute May)
Tights: Izzie's - Studded Tights (Available now at The Dressing Room Fusion)
Shoes: HOLLYHOOD - Benedict Heels in Black (Past Fi*Friday Release)
Pose: *dimma* - Snake Pose 5 (Available Now for Horror Haute May)

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