Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Treasure, Freebies, Whatever you wanna call it... I FREAKING LOVE DOING THEM!

I will hunt for anything from instore hunts to the mammoth grid wides that seem to have spread throughout SL like wildfire...
It always intrigues me as to how some stores can do so many of the hunts that run almost continuously, when do they ever find time to actually make anything new for their store? The world of SL designing confuses me immensly.
When I first got into the whole SL treasure hunting thing there were so few around, that Treasure Quest (rubbish even today it still continues though apparently with limited interest so I am told) was a complete novelty... who'd have thought it, sim-hopping looking for prizes... NOW though they seem to be EVERYWHERE and they come with all kinds of weird themes...

For instance, in September, I cherry-picked to do 5 out of the hundreds on offer... All with mixed results...
There was the Twisted Hunt (which I wasnt too enamoured with, it was nearly 300 stops and a couple I went to seemed to be stores selling stuff that other people had created - SOD THAT ONE), the Think Pink (which I did despite the colour and actually got some stuff I MIGHT use), the Snow White Hunt and the Kawaii Hunt (both of which were just cute) and the Fashion Freak 2 Hunt (which I was really excited over as during the last one I got LOTS of Rudhish Clothes for FREE). For the upcoming month of October I have at least 8 hunts to choose from, though there will be a LOT of Halloween in there!!!

Haven't been online that much otherwise due to that horrible thing which pops up on occasion, Real Life, but I will be back and will have more to share my thoughts about later lol!

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